View Controllers of TripKitUI

TripKitUI provides customisable view controllers for the following high-level features:

Each of these share the following characteristics:

Real-time departures and service details

The stand-alone view controller TKUITimetableViewController let's you quickly and easily embed public transport departures.

This view controller has the following features:

It has the following additional customisation points:

Note: As an alternative to using the stand-alone view controller, you can also take the individual card components (TKUITimetableCard and TKUIServiceCard) and use them directly in a TGCardViewController container.

Trip planning and trip details

The stand-alone view controller TKUIRoutingResultsViewController let's you quickly and easily show routing results between two locations for various modes including combinations of those modes, i.e., this is fully multi-modal and inter-modal.

This view controller has the following features:

It has the following additional customisation points:

Note: As an alternative to using the stand-alone view controller, you can also take the individual card components (TKUIRoutingResultsCard and TKUITripOverviewCard) and use them directly in a TGCardViewController container.

Trip mode-by-mode overview

The stand-alone view controller TKUITripModeByModeViewController let's you display details of a trip on a mode-by-mode (or segment-by-segment) basis.

This view controller has the following features:

It has the following additional customisation points:

Note: As an alternative to using the stand-alone view controller, you can also take the individual card components (TKUITripModeByModeCard, as well as the per-segment cards) and use them directly in a TGCardViewController container. This for example allows to show these mode-by-mode details when a user selects a segment on a trip card (see TKUITripOverviewCard).

The TKUIAutocompletionViewController can be used with the standard UISearchController to provide autocompletion results for addresses, POIs and custom data sources.

The following data sources are included in TripKit:

Home screen

The TKUIHomeViewController can be used as a start-screen for the trip planning, timetable and search components -- while being highly customisable to add arbitrary other features.

The built-in functionality is a search bar at the top, which uses the same search functionality as the dedicated TKUIAutocompletionViewController but with the search integrated in the home screen UI, along with a directions button to bring up the TKUIRoutingQueryInputCard.

The purpose of the home screen is then to add individual components, to give users quick access to different section. How to build these, is up to you, but they can be things like:

The TripKitUIExample shows to do some of these.